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2019-06-19 11:34:28

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Many important discoveries or creations are accidental: it is usually while seeking the answer to one question that we come across the answer to another.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.



I must admit that important discoveries of the past lend considerable support to the statement. However, for further analysis we need to make careful differentiation between “discoveries” and“creations”, and the statement overstates the role of accident, or serendipity,when it comes to modern-day discoveries and creations.

首先,我们从段落结构上看,第一句话属于让步,引出第二句话的however转折内容,表明作者对原题目的观点主要是反对的态度。其次,从内容上看,我们可以预测,作者很可能会写三个主要内容,一个是让步的部分,一个是具体区分“discoveries” 和“creations”,另一个是说明原文为什么overstates the role of accident, or serendipity, when it comes to modern-day discoveries and creations。最后,语言部分,这里面有一个词组可以关注,叫做lend considerable support to,意思上等于support支持。


Many discoveries are indeed accidental,for many of them often occur unexpectedly when people are in the quest for something else-such as an answer to an unrelated question or a solution to an unrelated problem. Various geographical, scientific, and anthropological discoveries aptly illustrate this point. In search of a trade route to the WestIndies Columbus discovered instead a continent unknown to Europeans; and during the course of an unrelated experiment Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin. In search of answers to questions about marine organisms,oceanographers often happen upon previously undiscovered, and important,archeological artifacts and geological phenomena. Conversely, in their quest to understand the earth’s structure and history geologists often stumble on important human artifacts.

这一段首先提出论点,对原文在一定程度上表示同意,然后就是论证过程,使用了举例的论证方法,分别从geographical, scientific, and anthropological discoveries这三个角度进行论证。这些例子大家可以顺便收集一下备用。语言部分,这里面有表示偶然性的两个动词词组可以积累,一个是happen upon偶遇,另一个是stumble on偶然发现


In light of the forgoing examples, “intentional discovery” might seem to be non-existent; yetin fact it is not. There are also many important discoveries which are anticipated and sought out purposefully. Marie Curie’s discovery of the element of radium after elaborate efforts could serve as an apt example. Also, in the efforts to find new celestial bodies, astronomers using increasingly powerful telescopes do indeed find them. Biochemists often discover important new vaccines and other biological and chemical agents for the curing, preventing,and treating of diseases not by stumbling on them in search of something else but rather through methodical search for these discoveries. In fact, in today’s world discovery is becoming increasingly an anticipated result of careful planning and methodical research, for the reason that scientific advancement now requires significant resources that only large corporations and governments possess. These entities are accountable to their shareholders and constituents,who demand clear strategies and objectives so that they can see a return ontheir investment.

结构上,这一段首先反驳上文,并进行举例论证来支持自己的反驳。同时,提出一个作者自己的新论点In fact, in today’s world discovery is becoming increasingly ananticipated result of careful planning and methodical research,并从原理角度进行分析和支持。这个原理的论证部分逻辑清晰,内容也很独到和精彩,可以积累下来。语言上,In light of是根据的意思,等同于based on,这个经常使用,可以积累下来。


In marked contrast to discoveries, how creations typically come about is totally different because of the very definition of the term itself. Creations are by nature products of their creator’s purposeful designs. Humankind’s key creations, such as the printing press, the internal combustion engine, and semi-conductor technology, sprung quite intentionally from the inventor’s imagination and objectives. It iscrucial to distinguish here between a creation and the spin-offs from that creation, which the original creator may or may not foresee. For instance, the engineers at some universities who originally created the ARPANET as a means to transfer data among themselves certainly intended to create that network for that purpose. What these engineers did not intend to create, however, was what would eventually evolve into the infrastructure for mass media and communications, and even commerce. Yet the ARPANET itself was no accident, no rare the many creations that it spawned, such as the World Wide Web and the countless creations that the Web has in turn spawned.

这一段对应首段里面的for further analysis we need to make careful differentiation between “discoveries” and “creations”,主要说creations要有目的地创造,并且举例进行过证明。这个例子讲Internet的产生,可以积累。语言上,spin-off是副产品的意思,spawn有产卵,引申义为产生。


In sum, the statement has overlooked acrucial distinction between the nature of discovery and the nature of creation.Although serendipity has always played a key role in many important discoveries, at least up till now, purposeful intent is necessarily the key to human creation.







北京航空航天大学管理学学士&硕士,拥有超过2000小时 GRE教学经验。擅长运用逻辑学和教育心理学知识,把读题和解题的思维过程范式化,帮助学生理解、记忆和内化。同时能够运用心理学知识提升考生执行力、保证练习效率效果,以取得满意分数。

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