引用Kobe的一句话吧,也是我这一路备考过程中不断默念给自己的一句话: Those times when you get up early and you work hard; those times when you stay up late and you work hard; those times when you don’t feel like working, you’re too tired, you don’t want to push yourself, but you do it anyway; that is actually the dream. 感谢一路跟GRE斗争,反复被捶打,无数次想放弃但最终坚持下来的自己。 4万字的错题笔记见证了这一切—— 也感谢在群里积极答疑的喜多老师,一直给我提供各种资源的Sunny和哒哒老师~ 最后:Hard work forever pays. 祝备考的大家都鲨G顺利,早日跟GRE分手! 今天的经验分享就到这里如果看文章的你在备考GRE也想尽快取得高分的话欢迎扫码咨询学而思考满分GRE系统课