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2021-06-22 20:45:49
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题目关键词 | 今年内考频 |
主要的政策问题应该交给政治家和其他政府专家决策 | 6 |
当今任何社会已经不再可能将任何在世的人标榜为英雄人物 | 5 |
在任何行业——教育、政府、商业——人们应该要对新领导保持怀疑,直到他们可信 | 全新考题 第1次收到学员反馈 |
Claim: Major policydecisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts.
Reason: Politicians andother government experts are more informed and thus have better judgment andperspective than do members of the general public.
Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.
题目关键词 | 今年内考频 |
Climpson安装电子监控来监视员工对互联网的使用 | 5 |
Centerville 高中的所有学生都应该被要求参加驾驶员教育课程 | 3 |
小城市的悠闲生活方式比大城市的快节奏生活方式更有利于健康和长寿 | 5 |
1. (2020.12.23,北美地区线上)
The vice president of human resources at Climpson Industries sent the following recommendation to the company's president.
"Inan effort to improve our employees' productivity, we should implement electronic monitoring of employees' Internet use from their workstations.Employees who use the Internet from their workstations need to be identifiedand punished if we are to reduce the number of work hours spent on personal orrecreational activities, such as shopping or playing games. By installingsoftware to detect employees' Internet use on company computers, we can prevent employees from wasting time, foster a better work ethic at Climpson, andimprove our overall profits."
Write a response inwhich you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Besure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what theimplications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
题目属性 | 题量 |
1685机经原题 | 11 |
1685机经换数据题 | 1 |
1685机经变形题 | 0 |
1685机经旧考点新考题 | 12 |
全新考点/考察角度 | 1 |
总计 | 25 |
1. (2020.12.27,大陆地区线下)
What is the sumof all the integers between 100 and 400 that have exactly three positivefactors?
2. (2020.12.27,大陆地区线下)
A certain type of storage container is in the shape of a rectangular solid that is 6 meterslong, 2 meters wide, and 2.5 meters high. In a container ship, 12 of thesestorage containers were stacked together face to face to form a largerectangular block that is 12 meters long, 6 meters wide, and 5 meters high. Thetotal surface area of all the container faces that are against other faces isapproximately what percent of the surface area of all the containers?
A. 48%
B. 53%
C. 58%
D. 63%
E. 68%
3. (2020.12.27,大陆地区线下)
In a certain university, 60 percent of all sophomores are liberal arts majors, 24 percentare education majors, and the rest are majoring in other subjects or have notyet chosen a major. At the university, 55 percent of all sophomores arecurrently taking a psychology course. If x percent of all sophomores are liberalarts majors who are currently taking a psychology course, what is the leastpossible value of x?
A. 15
B. 16
C. 31
D. 36
E. 40
题目编号 | 考情分析 |
29-10 | 高频,熟练掌握 |
72-7 | 高频且易错,课上例题 |
8-1 | 高频,熟练掌握 |
1-1 | 高频,熟练掌握 |
27-9 | 易错,注意词汇理解 |
127-9 | 高难,注意逻辑分析 |
115-6 | 高难,注意逻辑分析 |
104-7 | 高频,熟练掌握 |
89-2 | 高难,注意逻辑分析 |
73-4 | 高频,熟练掌握 |
1. (2020.12.23,北美地区线上)
(29-10) Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is _____.
A. erroneous
B. confusing
C. frustrating
D. rudimentary
E. delusive
2. (2020.12.27,大陆地区线下)
(1-1) It is a paradox of the Victorians that theywere both _____ and, through their empire, cosmopolitan.
A. capricious
B. insular
C. mercenary
D. idealistic
E. intransigent
题目编号 | 考情分析 |
Passage 33 | 往年高频,今年出现频次不多,值得接下来考试的考生重点关注 |
Passage 35 | 话题比较热门,课堂必练篇目 |
Passage 105 | 本年度高频文章,必做 |
Passage 215 | 最近考场频繁命中,近期可重点关注 |
Passage 20 | 新题命中,值得关注 |
Passage 174 | 逻辑单题重点篇章 |
Passage 205 | 技巧性强,值得练手 |
Passage 62 | 难度较高且高频 |
Passage 29 | 课堂必讲篇目,考法常规,可以多熟悉 |
(Passage 105,2020.12.23北美地区线上)
Writing about nineteenth-century women’s travel writing, LilaHarper notes that the four women she discussed used their own names, incontrast with the nineteenth-century female novelists who either publishedanonymously or used male pseudonyms. The novelists doubtlessly realized thatthey were breaking boundaries, whereas three of the four daring, solitarytravelers espoused traditional values, eschewing radicalism and women’smovements. Whereas the female novelists criticized their society, the femaletravelers seemed content to leave society as it was while accomplishing theirown liberation. In other words, they lived a contradiction. For the subjects ofHarper’s study, solitude in both the private and public spheres prevailed—asolitude that conferred authority, hitherto a male prerogative, but that alsoprecluded any collective action or female solidarity.
1. Which of the following best characterizes the “contradiction” that the author refers to?
A. The subjects of Harper’s study enjoyed solitude, and yet astravelers they were often among people.
B. Nineteenth-century travel writers used their own names, butnineteenth-century novelists used pseudonyms.
C. Women’s movements in the nineteenth-century were not veryradical in comparison with those of the twentieth-century.
D. Nineteenth-century female novelists thought they were breakingboundaries, but it was the nineteenth-century women who traveled alone who werereally doing so.
E. While traveling alone in the nineteenth-century was considered aradical act for a woman, the nineteenth-century solitary female travelersgenerally held conventional views.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
2. According to the passage, solitude had which of the followingeffects for the nineteenth century female travelers?
A. It conferred an authority typically enjoyed only by men.
B. It prevented formation of alliances with other women.
C. It relieved peer pressure to conform to traditional values.