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- > 雅思口语考试说点啥才能得高分?
2021-06-20 12:42:02
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那要怎么回答才能拿到口语高分呢?如何才能搭建高分回答逻辑?接下来我们拿一个最近考过part2 的口语话题为例来进行具体的讲解:
Describe a sport that you would like to try
You should say:
what sport it is
how you got to know it
whether it is difficult to do
And explain why you would like to try it.
注意是描述 a sport that you would like to try 所以在选材的时候,一定要选自己没有做过的运动,要注意审题。
1.对于 how you got to know it 这个bullet point 我们除了了每次说 my friend told me that ... 还可以通过大众传媒等渠道了解, 如:通过视频电视网络,这种话术的frame将来也可以平移到其他话题.
In fact it is an extreme sport. around 3 months ago, i watched a documentary programme about _____. When i watched him________, i so admired him and wished that someday i could try at least once in my lifetime
2. 可以重点围绕whether it is difficult to do 展开
From my point of view, hang gliding can be pretty tough to
learn. _______
注意连接词的使⽤:First , what is more, more importantly ... 这些connectives的使用,尽量满足口语评分标准 fluency and coherence 维度的得分。
3. 除了技术层⾯的难度,我们也可以重点展开,心理上这项运动带来的挑战,如:
I truly believe this extreme sport can challenge my limits both psychologically and physically.
此处 psychologically 注意发⾳音 和 单词重⾳音。
Sample Answer
When it comes to a sport I want to try, hang gliding pops up in my mind. In fact it is an extreme sport. Around 3 months ago, I watched a documentary programme about a Taiwanese hand glider, he wasn’t a pro glider but a crazy fan. When I watched him gliding in the air like an eagle, I so admired him and wished that someday I could try at least once in my lifetime.
From my point of view, hang gliding can be pretty tough to learn. Let us first say something about techniques. Wind observation is the first skill a glider has to manage. What is more, the way to balance in the right position while gliding is also hard. More importantly, how to use the parachute enclosed in the harness in case of an accidents is a challenge as well.
Apart from techniques bravery is the other barrier. Risk and excitement always come together, I believe the smartest way to deal with those is to attend a professional pilot training course and learn step by step. I truly believe this extreme sport can challenge my limits both psychologically and physically.
I am pretty sure, I will be much stronger if I could learn this, I would have confidence to beat all the difficulties both in my study and my life. I am really looking forward to learning it. This is the sport I want to try.
pop up : 怦然出现
hang gliding :悬挂式滑翔伞 (⼀一种极限运动)
once in my lifetime :千载难逢的(好机会)
extreme sport : 极限运动
harness : 背带
bravery :勇⽓
barrier :障碍