

2018-09-18 0:36:10

2689 阅读

Even if Ad Lib’s serves are necessary tochieve the manage’s goal, it is entirely possible that [the experiences/measures/policy in A]Ad Lib’s service would not suffice to ensure similar [the result in B]sucesselsewhere—due to the sort of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to[the result inA] the Megalopolis success but would not come into play in other cities.

The mere fact that on nearbyBatia replenishing beach sand has served to protect shore-line buildings is scant evidencethat Tria would achieve its goals by following Batia’s example. Perhaps the same course of action would be ineffectiveon Tria due togeological differences between the two islands. Or perhapsBatia is in a far betterposition than Tria financially to replenish its sand on a continual basis. Inshort,lackingevidence that conditions on the two islands are relevantly similar,the author cannot convince meon the basis of Batia’s experience that the proposed courseof action would be effective in attaining Tria’s goals.

The editorial continues by claiming thatlistening to audiocassettes will make children better readersbeacusewhen parents read aloud to their children these children become better readers.This argument byanalogy is wholly unpersuasive. The latter allows for interaction between parentand child, whilethe former does not. The latter allows for the child to view writtenwords as the parent reads—that is, to read—while the former does not. Besides, commonsense and experience tell us that audiocassettes, which provide forpassive listening, are likely to serve as crutches that dissuade children fromactive reading—instead of encouraging them to read.

A threshold problem with the argument isthat it assumesthat what improves memory and learning in rats will also improve memory andlearning inhumans. Although this is entirely possible, the argument provides noevidence to support this assumption. Withoutsuch evidence the argument can be rejected out of hand.

The argument assumesthat the difference in soyconsumption is the only possible explanation for this disparity in the occurrence of fatigue and depression. Yet theargument fails to substantiate this assumption. Common sence informs me that any one of a myriad of otherdifferences—environmental, dietary, and genetic—might explain why North Americans suffer from these problems to agreat extent than asians do. Without considering and ruling out alternativereasons for this disparity, the argument’s conclusion that soy is the key to the disparity isindefensible.

Even assuming that the survey data accurately reflect the auto industry, theargument unfairly assumes that supervision affects worker productivity similarlyat PPC. Perhaps PPC employs certain unique equipment orprocesses that require close worker supervision—even for older, moreexperienced workers. For that matter[同样] pehaps youth or inexperienced is anadvantage in working productivelyat PPC, whereas inthe auto industry either is a disadvantage. In short, without accounting for possibledifferences between PPC andauto manufacturers the director cannot convince me thathisrecommendation for PPC is sound.

The argument depends on the hasty assumption that the kinds of tasks robots perform in space are similar to the ones they wouldperform in factories, and that there are no differences between the two environments that would renderrobots less effective in factory jobs than in space missions. Perhapsthe effectiveness of robots in space missions is due largely to the weightlessenvironment of space. Or perhaps the average space-mission robotperforms less work than a typical factory robot would be required to work. In either case, thefact that robots are effective in space would amount to scant support for the author’sargument.

A Third assumption upon which the argument rests is that thepercentage of residents who attend public schools is about the samein both cities. The argument indicates only that the total population of the two cities isabout the same. If a comparatively small percentage of Blue Cityresidents attend public schools,then the comparatively small amount of money BlueCity devotes to those schools might be well justified despite an equal level ofconcern about the quality of public-school education among residents in the twocities.


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