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  • > 能背下来这些Quora段子,你的托福口语也能进步一大截!


2018-09-18 1:13:22

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最近叨叨看到关于歪果仁版知乎(Quora)上,关于“中国”这一标签的问答的报道(以下材料源于21世纪英文报),差点笑背过去!事情是这样的,关注“中国”这一标签的14万问题中,有一系列的“Does China have……”提问体。比如:Does China have smarphones? Does China have highways? Does China have cars?...(确定你们不是来搞笑的嘛~~)




Does China have buses?

@panda He

Our crowded buses are also electirc, all bus groups in all cities in China are so damn poor to buy gasoline, because all Chinese are so poor to pay for expensive gasoline engine driven bus. Can you wire us some money?

Does China have cars?

@Zach Zhang

People in China always ride pandas, red-crowned cranes or elks to go out. Some people who practise a lot may be able to dirve wind or swords. Few people walk, but that is always for exercising.

Children use little doggies and kitties. We are so old-fashioned. How can this sort of questions exist on Quora? This is well-known.


Does China have electricity?

@Micah Lin

I once lived in China for about 18 years. It was horrible. No one can go outside after sunset since there is no light. No electricity , no fire at all. Now people there still hunt for food, eat in raw and probably can’t make it to 30.

Dude I hope you can help them to build a modern city like, you might have heard before, Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.



We don’t need no electricity. Cause every Chinese kid is taught to light a bulb or charge up his smart phone by concentrating and collecting his Chi. With Chi, a Kongfu Master won’t have to eat and can easily survive by absorbing the purest air. He can crush a tank with a glowing fist or jump higher than a helicopter. Master yourself and control your Chi and let it flow all over your body. You will find the vibration linked to the nature. That is the mysterious Chinese Kongfu.

However, a guy without some basic intellect, would never handle that skill. Such as U.


Does China have computers?

@Chirs Garcia

No, China doesn’t have computers, and they are not needed, either. The Chinese brain is so far developed and is more advanced than a super computer.

The average five-year-old’s brain in China is so much more powerful and faster than any PC. They don’t have computers. They are computers.


@Roger Gilmartin

Hey, look everybody!

Here is another in a seemingly endless line of asinine questions, trying to make China look bad and backward.

All it does show is that the questioner should not have left school quite so early in their lifetime.

I recommend that you look at a nighttime picture of China from space, that way you can see that China is completely electrified-and you can also see that the Earth is round.(以上来源于21世纪英文报。因为网友们会有些语法问题,叨叨做了校对和微小的修改,大家放心背诵)




1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today have healthier lifestyles than people did 100 years ago.

2. Talk about one of the many characteristics your country has which you consider different from the features of other countries.